
Welcome to our charming Waco cottage, we hope you enjoy your visit!

Exactly As Advertised....

Exactly As Advertised....

The Morrow House Was Exactly As Advertised…

We are very blessed to have many fantastic reviews, but this one is one of my favorites.  It’s short, less than twenty words but it says it all to me. “The Morrow House was exactly as advertised” is how it starts and in my opinion that is the some of the highest praise someone can offer you in today’s world.  We live in a society that is saturated with hype, unrealistic images and inauthentic messaging and it can get really hard to sort out the good from the bad. As a result I find myself intentionally looking for the authentic all around me…what you might call “the real deal.” I look for it in people, business owners, products and everything else. I think a lot of us feel the same way…there’s something very soothing about being able to count on what you are told…it’s a trust that is not easily found in many mediums.  

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This review spoke to my heart, it gave me peace, knowing that the images I share of our home online are not exaggerating the beauty of our home and not misleading anyone to believe it is something it isn’t. When our guests arrive they can trust that what they believe about the house is true; the decor, the furnishings and the history. Each of these three elements help to make our house so very special and I believe that is why folks love to stay here. We are a blend of modern conveniences and style with the character of a home built just after the Civil War. I try to share that history in our online profiles with HomeAway and Airbnb but also do the same in social media. I want people to see the uniqueness of our home and let that be the thing that attracts guests.  However, to be honest I get a bit conflicted at times wondering if Instagram images or Facebook posts can somehow be painting a picture that is larger than life…so to be told that we are “exactly as advertised” warmed my heart. I always want to be aware of the line between sharing the true beauty and character of our home and creating a narrative that is beyond what our little home really is. 

May we all seek to  be “exactly as advertised”.



Malibu To Waco

Malibu To Waco